Canine Crunchery Partner Page

Our Friends at The Canine Crunchery

are donating 20% of every Sale to FOL!

How to help us get credit for each sale generated from this program:

Step 1. Go to the Canine Crunchery website

Please read all the instructions first and then Click Here

Step 2. Fill your on-line shopping cart with the products of your choice

Step 3. Help us get the generous donation at check-out by one of these two methods:

For products being shipped

When you are paying for your product and you are having it shipped follow these instructions.

Fill out all information in the delivery area using your information.

In the box labeled Company, Put in FOL 20%

For products being picked up at the store

When you are paying for your product and you are picking it up, follow these instructions.

Fill out all information in the billing area using your information.

In the box labeled Company, Put in FOL 20%

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